Thursday, June 16, 2022


 By and large, real estate is a solid investment.  Sure, it has its ups and downs like the market or crypto, but overall, it is a good place to park and grow your money.

From a distance, it can appear to be pricey, but there are options for the regular John or Jane Q. Public.  You can invest in REITS like Realty Income, Store Capital, or Iron Mountain.  If picking and choosing is too daunting or too much work, you can go broader and go with something like Vanguards US REIT fund (VNQ).

There is another option, however.  Enter, Fundrise, this is a crowdfunding real estate investing platform that allows you to put your money into properties across the country.  The returns are consistent, solid, and steady.  You can even generate dividend income from it as a bonus.  Having another passive income source is always a good thing.

It piqued my interest when I first found out about it, but I finally decided to quit dawdling and set up an account.  It is actually surprisingly easy.  You can get started with as little as $10 too, which makes it nice and accessible.  They did take that away for a little while a year or so ago and the next opening tier is $1,000, which is substantially higher.  

That's what I did (the $10 starter account, not the $1,000.)  It's a nice little seed that I planted that can grow over time.  These investments aren't tied to the stock market, which is definitely a selling point given all the volatility and other assorted craziness that's been going on.  It's also a nice follow up to my opening of the Current account.  It may not be a power play, but it is making a move and setting things up for future me.

The site does allow you to make automated transfers with different time gaps.  I went for $10 weekly.  It's not a huge amount, but it'll get the ball rolling.

It's not exactly taking a leap, but I am glad I finally got this off the ground.  I'm excited to see how this works out.

Click here to open an E-Trade account

Click here to open a RobinHood account

Click here to become a Swagbucks member

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