Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020: Schrodinger's Docket

In year's past, I would open the new year with an article or post that would lay out what I had intended to do in the upcoming year.  I did it for Examiner back when that was a thing and I also did it on the old site. 

Last year I made my most ambitious itinerary to date.  The results were...mixed.  Yeah, I bit off a bit more than I could chew on that one.  I did get some stuff done and put some dents in the list, but there was still quite a bit of leftovers remaining.  Keep in mind, even that list had some backlog.

As such, I'm doing something different.  I'm making 2020 a declutter/streamline/catch up year.  As far as content goes, between content migration and knocking out content that I had planned on doing already, the year is pretty much already booked. The investment articles and "Let's Get It Right' posts will, obviously, continue, but I'm not adding too much more to the pile.  As much as I'd love to say that the migration will end this year, that's not looking likely.  There's a lot and I was liking the "one post a day" system.  Not everything will be making the move, but it's still going to take a while.

Investing will be going on pause in the early half of 2020.  Hopefully, I'll be able to resume in the second half, but I'm focusing on some other things in the meantime.  DRIP is still in effect and the 401K contributions will continue, so it's not coming to a complete halt, but it will be a much slower progression.

Once again, I want to try and max out my IRA; but I still have to add as much to the 2019 contribution as I can while the overlap period exists.

2020 does have a savings challenge, but I still have to finish the 2019 challenge.  On the plus side, the new challenge is significantly easier, dealing with smaller numbers.  Still, with the stacking effect, it'll be interesting to see if I can pull this off. 

2019 wasn't quite the "limit break" year I had envisioned last January.  2020 probably won't either, but casting off the dead weight will make it much easier to do in years to come.

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