Thursday, December 19, 2019

Recent Buy: Franklin Resources

I actually wasn't planning on making any other purchases this month. However, when work annoys you, you do what you gotta do; and what I do is buy stock.

This time around I added two more shares of Franklin Resources (BEN) to the portfolio. I did consider the idea of adding a new position   or doing a share of this  as well as a share of something else to make it a double-header, but this seemed the simpler way to go.

Much like the last purchase, this transaction came to the same $50-ish grand total.  It's still mid-tier, but it's consistent, if nothing else.

Despite the same price point, this purchase packed more of a punch, adding over two whole dollars to the total projected forward dividend income.  I've learned first hand that chasing higher yielders can backfire, but this is a dividend aristocrat and from what I've read, their numbers are still solid.

One added perk, as the stock is priced less than what I originally paid, it allowed me to "average down".  Obviously, the idea is for the price to go back up; but while it's a bit lower, why not take advantage, right?

This purchase has NOT been reflected in the portfolio post, not yet anyway.  I'm going to hold off until the end of the month on that.  I might actually keep that update to a once a month event going forward, but I'm still on the fence about how to handle that.  Having it be up to date is nice, but doing it once a month allows all the DRIP to be accounted for in one swoop and it makes it more worth the effort; especially considering the changes right now are highly fractional and, thus, updates fall more on the tedious side of things.  Like I said, I'm not sure how I'll go about that, but I'm certain that I'll figure something out as we progress.

  "Buy" by Got Credit is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

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