Sunday, August 15, 2021

Expanding the Robinhood Buy Batches

 While the Snowbirds have not returned quite yet, we are fast approaching "season".  With their return comes the return of my more regimented buy system when it comes to stock purchases on Robinhood.  The free for all was fun, but I'm kind of looking forward to going back to the old rotation.  Still, with so many positions to hit, and only so many weeks in a month, I've decided to kick things up a notch and expand the roster, as it were.  This will also help move the needle just a little bit quicker.

The old rotation was thus

Round 1: Vanguard ETF's

Round 2: Dividend Diplomats "Core" Positions (T,ED,JNJ,TGT,MCD,PG,PEP,EMR,MMM)

Round 3: SBUX,CPB,VZ, O, SDIV, DON, SPHD,AGNC,STAG,MAIN,QYLD    Mostly monthly payers, along with a couple of other positions for extra flavor.  

Round 4: Wild Card: Anything I wanted, repeats, bolstering other positions, or adding new positions.

The new rotation will be as follows

Round 1: Vanguard ETF's + SCHD & DGRO   

Still keeping it in the ETF ball park. These two new positions are held in equal regard to VYM; as such, I see no problem putting more into them on  a regular basis.

Round 2: Dividend Diplomats Core Positions + 1 Vanguard ETF

The 10 slots per round thing has been working pretty well the past couple of months.  With those ETF's being as good as they are, it seems like a no brainer to use that to round out this batch to an even 10. 


3 new positions are being added to this batch.  With most of the monthlies being bought at a lower rate, I'm able to justify packing this batch out a bit more than I usually do. 

Round 4: Wild Card

Not really much I can change here.  I don't think I had a set number of buys before, but again, I'm going to be sticking to the 10 slot system. It makes for a nice round number and it allows more positions to move.

This has been an interesting experiment.  This wing of my investments is actually playing a larger role than one would think and it completely demolishes one of the more prominent narratives you're likely to come across on social media.. As an aside, the portfolio itself recently crossed a minor, but still notable, milestone.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing things progress as we kick things into the next gear.

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